When I saw the headline at TPM, I had to email our resident Palmetto State barista, Alvin McEwen to ask: “Alvin, what is going on in your state?!”

Picking up on the ancestral tradition, South Carolinians have spent much of the last two years asserting various forms of independence from the federal government and attempting to block different federal laws. Now a state senator from the Palmetto State has decided it’s time for South Carolina to create its own currency.

State Sen. Lee Bright (R-Roebuck) says that federal spending and increased monetary intervention by the Fed have placed the entire US Federal Reserve system on a path to monetary collapse. And when the crash comes, state residents will need to rely on the stable South Carolina currency to weather the storm.

“If folks lose faith in the dollar, we need to have some kind of backup,” Bright told the Spartanburg Herald-Journal on Friday.

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