XTCThis morning, Dallas Voice received the following statement via email from attorneys for RCI Management Services that runs XTC Cabaret. The statement is in response to a story run earlier this week about a fight that took place at the club:

Based on the story you authored on April 5, I wanted to make sure you received the following statement from a representative of our client, XTC Cabaret (Dallas), relating to the Cory Weddington incident:

We are aware of an altercation that occurred in the early morning hours of April 1, 2016 at XTC Dallas.  As a member of the LGBT community myself, I can assure you that we are taking this matter very seriously and are fully investigating the circumstances.  It is our understanding that the Dallas Police Department is also conducting an independent criminal investigation into Mr. Weddington’s alleged assault of one of our employees that precipitated the events of that morning.  We continue to cooperate with DPD and are awaiting the results of their investigation.  Until the investigation into this matter is fully concluded, it would be inappropriate to comment further.

Scott J. Sherman
General Counsel