United Way of Metropolitan Dallas voted this week to disburse $25 million to 78 nonprofit organizations in the Dallas area.

Because of new criteria that emphasize improving education, income or health, some new agencies received money and others lost their United Way funding.

Among the regular recipients are Resource Center Dallas, which will receive $383,409, and AIDS Arms, which will receive $772,548. Bryan’s House is one of the new agencies receiving United Way funding and they will get $315,106.

Another new beneficiary is Turtle Creek Manor, a residential program in Uptown for people with co-occurring disorders of severe mental illness and alcohol or drug addiction.

Among those losing funding because they no longer fit the organization’s mission are two local Boy Scouts councils. In the past, some members of the LGBT community have chosen not to make  donations to United Way because of the funding of groups like the Boy Scouts that proudly enshrine discrimination into their mission and policies. Donors to the United Way can designate beneficiary organizations so that specific agencies of interest will receive the money.