Quick‘s LGBT column, “Orientations,” is no longer according to the Facebook updates from columnists Ian McCann and Brandon Formby. The column featured goings-on in the LGBT community usually about an event during the week. The column started three years ago.
Because it seems impossible to find anything on Quick’s site, you can read some of their past columns by going here. They even sent the Voice birthday wishes back in May.
This was Formby’s latest update.

After more than 150 installments, Orientations is no more. We began with the 2006 Pride Parade and ended with Cooper Smith’s new adoptees. And we threw in a whole bunch of Wayne Smith, Sandra Bernhard, Margaret Cho, John Amaechi, Del Shores, Halloween extravaganzas, transgendered teens sticking up for themselves, Turtle Creek Chorale-ing, and more just for good measure. What an awesome ride.

McCann’s page had this posted.

It’s official: The Quick column is no longer. It’s been a good three years, Orientations.

I contacted McCann to ask about the column but he declined to comment.games mobiпроверка позиции сайта в yandex