By Colin Munoz

On June 5th, 2006, the AIDS epidemic turns 25. How has AIDS affected your life?

“Other than working with AIDS patients, it made me realize that life was too short.”

Vincent Price
Patient Care Technician

“I lost family to it. I lost an uncle and a cousin to it. I think it can be stopped if people are more careful and stop being promiscuous.”

Brandon Hattersley

“It scares me. Makes me want to protect myself a lot more.”

Andrew Hutchison

“It gets rough. It’s hard to trust anyone now. You don’t know if it’s safe because people aren’t truthful any more.”

Tony Claybrook

“I’m more cautious with whom I’m having sex. Now I use protection all the time.”

Brandon Thompson

This article appeared in the Dallas Voice print edition, June 2, 2006. siteseo что