What are you doing to beat the heat?

Jerry Birdwell — “Come and visit Lake Tahoe. Forecast for today is a high of 72.”
Dorian Dean — “Staying in air conditioning, as much as possible and driving up the electric utility’s profit margin.”
Natalie Phillips — “Going to the pool.”
Lisa Rainey — “Our central air went out so we are holed up in the bedroom with a window unit trying to stay cool.”
James Navarrette — “Staying indoors and catching up on ‘True Blood’ episodes.”
Ross Virock — “Drinking lots of water and driving with the top down, not much else I CAN do unless someone has a pool I can hang out by.”
Have a suggestion for a question you’d like us to ask?
E-mail it to nash@dallasvoice.com.

This article appeared in the Dallas Voice print edition August 20, 2010.