What do you think of the compromise on "Don’t ask, don’t tell"?

Kevin Boyer — "It needs to be repealed. We have gays in the military. They have a career. If they were to be kicked out for their race or religion, no one would stand for it."

Anthony Farber — "No compromise. It needs to be straight repealed. A gay gentleman took the first bullet for Bush in Iraq. We’re not second-class citizens."

Hunter Hubbell — "It’s pretty much par for the course with everything done in this administration. What we see is they’re doing it in the most roundabout way."

Mattie Williams —  "I don’t believe it until I see it. Truman integrated the Army in 1948. Obama capitulated to the far right and he’ll never satisfy them."

David Sindt — "I don’t really think it’s acceptable. It doesn’t seem like we need to study the effects of equality. Makes sense to implement the change now. There are plenty of other fully integrated militaries in other Western countries."

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This article appeared in the Dallas Voice print edition May 28, 2010.технический аудиттехническая поддержка сайта стоимость