Rex Wockner tips us to a major development in next month’s appeal of the overturn of Proposition 8 before the Ninth Circuit Court.

United States Court of Appeals for the Ninth Circuit
Notice of Docket Activity
The following transaction was entered on 11/17/2010
Case Name: Kristin Perry, et al v. Arnold Schwarzenegger, et al
Case Number: 10-16696


C-SPAN applied to televise live the case captioned above, scheduled to be heard in San Francisco, on December 6, 2010 at 10:00 a.m. C-SPAN’s request to televise live is GRANTED. A maximum of two (2) video cameras will be permitted in the courtroom. C-SPAN will serve as the pool-feed for all media organizations that submit an application.

As you may recall, the first hearing of Perry Vs. Schwarzenegger was to have been broadcast on YouTube, but Protect Marriage rushed to the Supreme Court to prevent that because they didn’t want their witnesses to become national laughingstocks. Let’s see if they try that again.

Joe. My. God.