Ulysses Dietz
Ulysses Dietz

Ulysses Dietz, the great-great-grandson of President Ulysses S. Grant, wrote an editorial in the Newark Star Ledger supporting same-sex marriage in New Jersey. Dietz is curator of the Newark Museum and lives in New Jersey with his partner of 34 years. (Ulysses Grant is buried in New York, where same-sex marriage was voted d0wn last week).
In his column, Dietz talks about having been stopped at the Canadian border by U.S. border patrol and separated from his children as if he and his partner were kidnapping them. But he says that isn’t as bad as someone not able to visit a hospitalized partner, something that continues to happen in New Jersey despite civil unions.
In New Jersey, a bill that would upgrade the state’s civil unions to marriage passed out of committee on Monday and will be voted on by the full Senate on Thursday.
Another famous Turnpike State resident, Bruce Springsteen, wrote on his Web site that he favors the same-sex marriage legislation. Springsteen quotes the current governor, Jon Corzine.
“The marriage-equality issue should be recognized for what it truly is — a civil rights issue that must be approved to assure that every citizen is treated equally under the law,” Corzine said.
In November, Corzine was defeated for re-election. For New Jersey to gain marriage equality, the legislation must get to his desk by the middle of January for him to sign. Chris Christie, the Republican who will replace him, said he would veto such legislation.
A poll by 1010 WINS, a New York City radio station, last month showed that New Jersey residents favor same-sex marriage 46-42 percent.разработка и обслуживание сайтовоптимизация интернет сайтов