2Craig Watkins NOH8It’s not always easy to hold elected officials accountable, but when they take part in a campaign as public and identifiable as NOH8, the job gets easier. Dallas County District Attorney Craig Watkins was one of the hundreds who had his picture taken at the Episcopal Church of the Transfiguration earlier this year, along with Dallas City Councilmen Adam Medrano and Philip Kingston.

The iconic NOH8 logo placed on Watkins’ cheek goes along with his establishment of an LGBT Task Force in February. He said that after meeting with members of the community, he “was disappointed to hear that many victims of domestic violence or hate crimes were afraid to speak out because they feared lack of a law enforcement response.”

The NOH8 stamped on Watkins’ cheek will remind him and the community of the commitment he’s made to eliminate bias and discrimination. For all the people, LGBT and others, who haven’t always been treated fairly by the legal and law enforcement systems, this is the image we can hold up to Watkins as a reminder of his promise that, at least in his office, justice is blind.