No, it’s not a scene from the Sopranos, it’s Jonathan Lewis, Servicemembers United’s Alex Nicholson and Jarrod Chlapowski, and Paul Yandura. Jonathan has been a big supporter of GetEqual. As for Paul… John McCain would accuse him of running a “Georgetown Salon” (not the haircutting one, but the “gather smart people together and make a lot of trouble” kind of one). Though, knowing McCain, maybe he did mean the haircutting one.

Katie Miller, a West Point cadet who recently quit rather than lie about her sexual orientation.

Robin McGehee and Heather Cronk of GetEqual, Robin’s son, Sebastian, and Keori who writes at Pam’s House Blend.

The ever-dashing, and even better spoken (as if it were possible), David Mixner, who was arrested protesting President Clinton over DADT at the White House fence back in 1993. David was a big FOB at the time, so it was a big deal that he publicly broke with the President.

Justin Elzie, first Marine discharged under DADT, and Joe Sudbay.

The Advocate’s Kerry Eleveld, soon moving over to Equality Matters.

Miriam Ben-Shalom, Robin McGehee and Rob Smith. Miriam and Rob are vets. Last time these three were together, they were getting arrested on the White House fence (11/15). Miriam has been fighting DADT since the beginning.

Trevor Thomas of SLDN.

Joe Sudbay and Joseph Rocha. Joseph is a discharged vet who was put in dog cages. He wrote a letter to Obama for SLDN.

Congressman Barney Frank.