Screen shot 2014-12-31 at 9.30.24 AMIt’s almost the new year, but a number of people are ending 2014 by really pissing me off.

Let’s start with Fox & Friends

A satirical website reported that President Barack Obama was going to ban sprinkles by executive order. Fox News, the network that sees conspiracy behind everything any Democrat does, reported this stupidity as fact.

Doesn’t that network have any fact-checkers? Maybe you don’t check every item that comes from a reliable news source like AP, but you fact-check stories that sound preposterous and come off of websites you never heard of.

If this link to the story doesn’t open, Fox removed their Dec. 30 story entitled “Why the FDA wants to regulate sprinkles.” Oh, and the reason they give that Obama wants to ban sprinkles? Sprinkles contain a miniscule amount of trans fat.

Two-year-old shoots mother in Walmart

What bothers me most about this story is that kid is going to grow up knowing he killed his mother.

Veronica Rutledge, 29, was shopping at Walmart in Hayden, Idaho with a loaded gun in her purse. While she left her son in the shopping cart, he went through her purse, pulled out the gun and shot her.

My objection here isn’t that she was carrying a gun, but that she was carrying a gun without the safety on around a two-year-old child. What enrages me even more is that the toddler could have shot a number of other people in the aisle. Most news reports call this a tragedy. I’m having trouble feeling anything other than outrage.

Orthodox Jews delay flight from New York

A Delta Airlines flight from New York to Tel Aviv was delayed on the runway by 30 minutes because an ultra-Orthodox man refused to sit between two women.

The man asked for seat changes but everyone else refused to take the middle seats. An American passenger finally agreed to swap seats.

What I don’t understand is why the man was not escorted off the plane and arrested. A plane can’t take off or move away from the gate until everyone is seated. Interfering with the operation of an aircraft is a federal crime.

If they wanted to ensure against being seated next to someone not of their choosing, they should have purchased the full row of seats.

To accommodate religious bigots like these, El Al, Israel’s airline, now reserves several rows of single-sex seating for an additional charge.

Happy New Year.