This one is mind-blowing, with a hat tip to Blender Sebastian.

I thought you might be interested in a blog posting by Christian Broadcasting Network war correspondent Chuck Holton, in which he tells Pat Robertson’s viewers why the military should keep DADT and why “homosexuals, by their own choices, disqualify themselves from military service” — and that “for the pentagon to be even considering allowing them to serve openly only shows an appalling lack of common sense on the part of our elected leaders and military brass”.

It’s no lie. Pat’s correspondent seems strangely preoccupied with a “gay subculture” that he seems to know a lot about that I’m unaware of. From his “Boots on the Ground” report…read and pick this shite apart.

1. The military is, by necessity, an environment where members are encouraged to be strong and healthy. The military strongly discourages smoking these days, because anything that hurts a soldier’s health ultimately makes him a liability to his unit. The homosexual lifestyle has been proven to lower a man’s life expectancy by as much as 20 years – why would we encourage this, then?

2. The Gay subculture is one of the most violent subcultures out there. Government studies show gays are 20 times more likely to be abusive or abused in their personal relationships. This reflects an inherent emotional instability that is not conducive to good order or discipline.

3. Giving Blood: US FDA regulations exclude “men who have had sex with another man even once since 1977” from giving blood at blood banks. In combat, any one of your buddies might be called upon to donate their blood to keep you alive if you get wounded. Gays should never donate blood. End of story.

4. Suicide: The military is already having problems with troop suicides these days. Gays commit suicide, or attempt it, six times more often than heterosexuals. Is this the kind of American we want to entrust with a weapon?

Bottom line: Homosexuals, by their own choices, disqualify themselves from military service. For the pentagon to be even considering allowing them to serve openly only shows an appalling lack of common sense on the part of our elected leaders and military brass.

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