This could make for a difficult lunch hour. You’re either going to get a sub sandwich combo, or have a rock icon sign your book.
Next Thursday, Pat Benatar comes to Borders to sign Between a Heart and a Rock Place: A Memoir that came out in June. The clincher – it’s at 12:30 p.m. But come on, it’s Pat “Hit Me With Your Best Shot,” “Love is a Battlefield” four-time Grammy winner Benatar.
She may not be what Madonna or k.d. is to the gays and lesbians out there, but don’t tell me you didn’t belt out “Shadows of the Night” when it came on the car radio driving home on a dark highway with tears streaming down your cheek. No? Just me? OK, nevermind. Anyway, she at least gave the lesbians some love performing at the Dinah Shore couple of years ago.
If you do head out there for the signing, don’t start taking your CDs, posters and other memorabilia. The officials say “please note that this event requires a wristband and that ONLY books will be able to be signed.” Now you know.