And she’s right. About two things. One, someone at HRC has to pay for the absolute fiasco of the past two years, but just as importantly, this isn’t just about HRC head Joe Solmonese. The organization is far too timid, and co-opted by Democrats. The entire organization needs shaking up, including the board.

A growing number of people have been talking about a primary challenge to the President. Well, Joe Solmonese needs his own primary challenge. Here’s Pam:

One can only call Joe Solmonese’s reign as a “could have been,” with DADT as the latest of a string of lobbying efforts, such as they are, that seemed more in tune with keeping the peace (and cocktails) flowing when it was clear to even a political novice (or Cheetos-stained blogger) that the Obama administration had only a limited amount of time to move any LGBT legislation in the first two years, and repeal of DADT was back-burnered in favor ENDA by HRC in “the plan”, which has, as we have seen, gone NOWHERE.

Honestly, for HRC to become the organization the community needs it to be in terms of a lobbying organization with access to our elected power brokers, it will take more than Joe Solmonese’s resignation. The organization is multi-faceted and is populated with well-meaning, hard working people who deserve better leadership — and the buck stops at Joe’s desk.