Latin hip-hop rock band (I know) Ozomatli released their fifth studio album yesterday, Fire Away. Among the 11 tracks is “Gay Vatos in Love,” their stance on gay marriage. It may seem random from the band until you read this from the press release.

Fire Away also includes “Gay Vatos In Love,” one of the more controversial songs Ozomatli has ever penned. Some may raise eyebrows that a group with no gay members would address same sex unions, but the subject matter doesn’t seem so contentious in the hands of a band with a longstanding mission of peace and tolerance.
Singer and guitarist Raul Pacheco poses a simple question, “Do you believe that everyone deserves love? Even gay vatos? Quickly adding, “Yes, for sure. It is always a good time to challenge our own notions and boundaries of what can be. Especially in the ever present natural need and quest for love. We say, let every person have the right to choose who and how they love one another… “

Cool. Give it a preview here.

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