Oral Fixation includes a gay-themed story.

Nicole Stewart spent six years in L.A. working as an actress, but the ups-and-downs of her career made her realize the true-life stories of the real people she met were far more compelling than the scripts she was reading. That’s why she came back to Dallas to start Oral Fixation: An Obsession with True Life Tales — an occasional spoken-word series at the MAC. The second installment of the series, which starts tonight at 7:30 p.m., is called “Home Is Where the Heart Is,” and features a half-dozen or more monologue a la NPR’s This American Life, including a gay-themed story from Dallas Children’s Theater’s resident designer, Randel Wright.

Check it out now if you can — the series is on hiatus until March, when it returns with an installment called “One Night Stands.” (Click here for more information.)