By now you’ve probably heard about NOM/The Ruth Institute’s Jennifer Roback Morse claiming that she wore a rainbow scarf to the Prop 8 trial because she wanted to send a message about gays not owning God’s multi-colored pattern. Or maybe you haven’t heard about it. Whatever. If not, you can catch up with a humorous piece Alexandra Petri penned for WaPo’s Compost blog.

Our biggest issue with the whole thing? That J-Ro-Mo soooo didn’t wear a rainbow to the trial. Here, see for yourself:

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Sure, there’s some green, yellow, and red on that neck. One might even be generous and say that those hints of pink fall into the purple-ish category. But four not-so-bright colors do not a rainbow make!

And what kind of rainbow is cut up with black stripes?! Honestly.

So okay, she wants to seize the rainbow from the grips of militant gays? Fine. One must have goals. But next time she wishes to send this pointed message, we just really hope to see Ms. Morse shrouded in an opulent gown made out of pride flags, and not in one piece of neckwear made from a muted color box. If she can so intensely focus on millions of gay commitments, surely she can commit to one message-sending accessory.

Good As You