A group called Citizens for Community Values (with the tag line “Protecting the family since 1983”) is holding a”Values Voter Town Hall Sept. 18-20 in Washington, D.C., at the Omni Shoreham Hotel.
(Yes, I know. Ironic, isn’t it, that their “town hall” is the same weekend as our gay Pride.)
Here are a few of the topics listed : “De-Funding Planned Parenthood,” “The New Masculinity,”The Threat of Illegal Immigration,” “Marriage: Why It’s Worth Defending and Why Redefining it Threatens Religious Liberty,” “Global Warming Hysteria: The New Face of the ‘Pro-Death Agenda,'” and “Stem Cells: Fact vs. ‘Friction.'”
When I saw an ad for their little get-together, that list of topics alone was enough to engage my gag reflex. Then I saw the list of “confirmed speakers” and “invited speakers.”
First on the list of confirmed speakers was Stephen Baldwin. Besides starring in really bad sci-fi channel movies, Stephen has become a “born-again” Christian and a high-profile. spokesman against anything progressive and reasonable. Then I noticed our very own Gov. Rick Perry on the list, alongside Mike Huckabee, Bill O’Reilly, Mitt Romney, Phyllis Schlafly and more.
And the list of invited (but, I assume, not yet confirmed) speakers includes Sarah Palin and Carrie Prejean.
Whooo boy! What a big bowl of stupid that all sounds like! You’ve got the three Ps — Perry, Palin and Prejean — who sometimes seem to share one brain cell between them, and then we add in Baldwin and O’Reilly. Not what I’d call the leading minds (or even bastions of truth).
And then there’s headline: “Rise to the Challenge! Rally to the Cause! Champion Life • Protect Marriage • Guard Religious Freedom • Limit Government • Secure Our Homeland • Answer the Left.”
They forgot to add “See the Wizard • Ask for a Brain • Find a Clue.”лучшие сайты для копирайтингатиц сайта узнать