While groups like the Family Research Council and Concerned Women For America might be ditching next month's CPAC because they're squeamish about the conservative gays at GOProud being welcomed back for a second year in a row. But when it comes to fellow anti-gay group the Heritage Foundation, the dispute appears less about letting GOProud take part and more about financials. Dave Wiegel says it's inaccurate to include Heritage in with the rest of the groups because they've been plotting a possible exit from CPAC since before GOProud announced it would re-up with the conference. That hasn't stopped rabid conservative media outlets from lumping them all in together as one big bigoted consortium reacting en masse to Jimmy LaSalvia and Christopher Barron. As it stands, Focus On The Family is still willing to deal with homosexuals this year. Also (very) worth noting: The absence of FRC this year isn't exactly news; Tony Perkins & Co. didn't attend in 2010, either.

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