Joe Maldonado, a 9-year-old from New Jersey, has become the first openly transgender Boy Scout, according to this report by The Huffington Post. He joined a week after Boy Scouts of America announced the organization would accept transgender Scouts.
Joe, who has always been openly transgender, first tried to join BSA back in October. But some parents complained and a BSA official then told Joe’s mother, Kristie Maldonado, that trans boys weren’t allowed.
This week though, Pack Leader Kyle Hacker welcomed Joe by helping Joe put on his new Scout uniformĀ and neckerchief, andĀ teaching him the Cub Scout salute and oath. Hacker told the boy, “This means you are the same as Scouts all over the world.”
Joe said he was having fun and proud to be a Scout: “I’m accepted, and I’m actually in Boy Scouts.”