road Lady Gaga, Alicia Keys and other celebrities have put their tweeting on pause until they raise million for the Keep a Child Alive charity before World AIDS Day on Tuesday.

Annie  road Annie Lennox on life actually being easier if she were gay: "It's not like I think being gay could be an alternative, 'cos it isn't. I sometimes wish it would have been 'cos it would have made life easier…I think that for 90, maybe even 95 per cent, of women, men are a huge disappointment in relationship terms."

 road The Kimpton hotel group tops gay and lesbian traveler list: "Of all the hotel brands, (Kimpton is) the most active in LGBT community," Paisley says. "They have a website, they sponsor tons of events and they advertise in gay and lesbian media."

 road Lesbian couple bravely come out publicly in Botswana where homosexuality is illegal.

 road Christopher Hitchens and Tony Blair debate religion. Says Hitchens: "Once you assume a creator and a plan, it makes us objects, in a cruel experiment, whereby we are created sick, and commanded to be well."

 road Jake Gyllenhaal and Taylor Swift get caffeinated.

Lightning  road 309,959,570 lightning strikes.

 road Entertainment Weekly declares The Walking Dead “the best new show on TV.”

 road Winona Ryder on the "gay" controversy surrounding her upcoming movie The Dilemma: "It's just crazy because I'm very sensitive to that issue and if I thought something was offensive I wouldn't want to be part of it. Plus all my gay friends use that word all the time so [protesters will] have to go and give them a hard time too."

 road The latest Wikileaks documents are here.

 road Apparently some people have enough spare time that they can go about claiming ownership of the sun.

 road Sarah Palin's new book – the Cliff Notes version.

Towleroad News #gay