Sheriff Lupe Valdez
Sheriff Lupe Valdez

Earlier this month, media from around the country and around the world expressed shock when Houston became the largest city in the world with a lesbian mayor.
As the only member of the LGBT press at Parker’s election night party, I spent quite a bit of the night explaining to other members of the press why it was not a surprise that this happened in Texas, home of Molly Ivens and Ann Richards, not just Tom DeLay and George Bush.
The New York Times ran an interesting article today suggesting that voters may be more comfortable with qualified LGBT candidates even when they don’t support LGBT issues.
And politically, the person that got the biggest political bump out of all this election coverage may not even be Parker herself. Lupe Valdez has been mentioned in virtually every article printed in every paper around the world analyzing Parker’s election.
The narrative (started at the election night party by, well, mostly me) is that Texans have been electing qualified gay and lesbian candidates for years. For example, I pointed to at least one other gay elected official was at the party – Fort Worth’s Joel Burns.
So in today’s New York Times analysis, a week before Parker’s inauguration, Lupe Valdez’ picture appeared in the newspaper again.
And my invitation to the inauguration arrived today. Please feel free to comment below to Tammye and Robert that readers think I really really need to go.адворспродвижения сайтов в сети