
With its hard look and African-American setting, Pariah easily recalls Precious, though it’s more reined in in just about every way, so it doesn’t afford the opportunity for attention-getting histrionics that win awards.

This has been a long project for filmmaker Dee Rees, who wrote it as a feature several years ago, then made a short version in 2007 that played the festival circuit. The result is praiseworthy and I suspect Rees will feel rewarded when she sits in a theater and hears even straight girls cheering on Alike, as you’ll want to.

At any rate, life begins for Alike in the course of Pariah — and careers begin for Rees and Aduye as a result.

Read the entire review here.

DEETS: Adepero Aduye, Pernell Walker, Aasha Davis, Kim Wayans. Rated R. 85 mins. Now playing at Landmark’s Magnolia.