
Oklahoma state Rep. Sally Kern

If today feels like pick on Oklahoma day, it’s only because they’re competing for the title, “most homophobic bills filed in a single session.” And how could we overlook our favorite Oklahoma legislator Sally Kern!?
While other states are banning reparative therapy for minors, a bill written by our buddy Sally Kern to protect the practice passed an Oklahoma House committee, 5-3. Kern called Dallas Voice “a source of evil” in her brilliant book.
Kern has dubbed her gay torture bill The Parental and Family Rights in Counseling Protection Act.
Her bill clearly described the torture she expects gay and lesbian youth to endure in order to change to her preferred sexual orientation:
“Aversion therapy” means any counseling by a mental health provider that exposes or asks a client or patient to undergo physical pain, such as electroshock or electroconvulsive therapy, touch therapy, pornography exposure or vomit-induction therapy, in order to change sexual behaviors or gender identity expressions and/or to eliminate or reduce sexual or romantic attractions or feelings toward individuals of the same sex.
Kern said that even though nothing in Oklahoma law prevents conversion therapy, the practice is under attack by every medical and psychological organization in the country and has been declared illegal in a growing number of states. The bill has been declared an emergency meaning it would go into effect immediately after passage and signing and not wait the standard period after the legislative session before becoming law.