MDComing soon to a Maryland near you:

Legislators in Maryland are scheduled to vote on the Religious Freedom and Civil Marriage Protection Act on Thursday, Feb. 17, according to Judicial Proceedings Committee chairman Brian E. Frosh’s office.

”It’s going to happen on Thursday,” Brenda Smith, appointment secretary for Frosh’s office, told Metro Weekly regarding a committee vote on Senate Bill 116, on Tuesday, Feb. 15.

Maryland Marriage Vote Imminent [Metro Weekly]

In both chambers, the votes are looking good, though not definite. And then of course even if/when we get passage and the governor’s announced signature, the NOM crowd is sure to go into petition-gathering overdrive in order to keep God from hating their state for leading the way to man-Android marriage.

But one thing at a time. For now, check out Equality Maryland to see how we can get Step 1 accomplished.

Good As You