As the show winds down, Mark-Brian Sonna’s play Theatre of Death closes on a big note. Halloween night is their fundraiser show to keep MBS Productions up to speed. Tickets are a smidgen higher at $25 but it’s also a bargain. Not only does $25 get you a seat for this show, MBS is also offering a ticket to another show with special thanks to Rover Dramawerks and Teatro Dallas. That and a grab bag of treats. Although, check with Sonna about eating them in the show. Cellophane wrappers in a play is criminal. Also, they encourage costumes because they are giving away door prizes and one grand prize for the best costume of the night.
Sunday is Dia de los Muertos, or Day of the Dead for you gringos. MBS will keep the weekend festivities going by offering traditional food and drinks. Don’t worry, just because it’s Day of the Dead, doesn’t mean you’ll be drinking plasma punch. Sonna will stick around to explain how the Mexican holiday os celebrated. But he’s a fast talker so be sure and pay close attention.  Curtain time for Sunday is 2:30 onlineконтекстная реклама яндексе