Maybe he's faking it. He is pretending to be a vampire, after all.
Maybe he’s faking it. He is pretending to be a vampire, after all.

There’s speculation out there that the star of Twilight might be gay … the wrong Twlight star from my perspective, but we work with what we got.
Robert Pattinson (not Taylor Lautner — sigh!) gave an interview to Details magazine where he claimed to be “allergic” to vaginas. “I really hate vaginas,” he told the reporter, following a 12-hour photo shoot with many women. He also dodged the question of whether he was dating anyone, saying only his current and most meaningful relationship is with his dog.
How much of this is hoo-ha manufactured by the blogosphere is anyone’s guess — maybe he was just waxing about the numbing effect of nudity — but that hasn’t stopped sites like MTV Australia from reporting it as basically news: Robert Pattinson has indirectly come out.
Please. I know what coming out looks like, and it’s not that.
Nevertheless, it’s worth reading just to hear Edward Cullen — who, keep in mind, no one had even heard of 18 months ago — say something other than the dreadful trite dialogue of thse terrible, terrible movies.
You can read the interview here. though if I were you, I might scroll over to the interview with Channing Tatum, where he talks about his penis in detail. Even shows the interviewer a picture of it.
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