Fresh off her vote against transgender protections for Dallas County employees, Commissioner Maurine Dickey is slated to visit the LGBT group Log Cabin Republicans Dallas this coming Monday. Above is an online invite from the group, which doesn’t mention Dickey’s vote against trans protections, or her previous statements comparing being transgender to being overweight (thus the headline). Dickey has said she feels the addition of “sexual orientation” to the county’s nondiscrimination policy was “overdue” — despite the fact that she was absent for a vote on that amendment in March. But she opposed the transgender protections in April because she didn’t want to add any more “special protected classes.” In the wake of her vote, 53 percent of respondents in a Dallas Voice online poll said they think the LGBT community should boycott Dickey’s Barbecue Pit, the restaurant chain she owns with her husband. We’ve been trying to determine whether Dickey’s — which bills itself as the largest barbecue chain in the U.S. — includes LGBT employees in the company’s nondiscrimination policy, but thus far we haven’t had any luck. The Log Cabin meeting is set for 6:30 p.m. at Mattito’s Mexican Cafe 3011 Routh St. in Dallas.