CapitolThe majority of Texas House members signed a letter released this morning defending the state’s same-sex marriage ban.
The letter follows the early morning defeat of a bill that would have barred officials from issuing marriage licenses to same-sex couples.
The letter, which you can read here, boasts the signatures of 93 of the 98 members of House Republicans. Among the missing signatures are Reps. Sarah Davis of West University Place, Larry Gonzales of Round Rock, Matt Schaefer of Tyler and Jason Villalba of Dallas.
Speaker Joe Straus did not sign the letter but because of his leadership position does not take positions on issues and rarely votes.
Villalba is now the only member of the Dallas County Republican House delegation, and among the three Republicans statewide, to neither sign the letter nor co-author the bill
Earlier in the session Villalba took heat for introducing a religious freedom resolution that opponents, including in the business community, called discriminatory.