While Sally Kern takes the prize for lunatics in the Oklahoma House of Representatives, the title of most bat-shit crazy state senator was up for grabs. Until now.

Sen. Ralph Shortey

Sen. Ralph Shortey, a Republican who represents parts of Oklahoma City, has introduced a bill in the Oklahoma Senate to ban the use of human fetuses in food. Yes, all of you fetus-eating fanatics, you won’t be able to munch on all those aborted babies if Sen. Shortey has anything to say about it, according to the Daily Oklahoman.

Shortey said he introduced the bill because of something he read on the Internet. According to Shortey, Pepsi was using parts of aborted babies as a flavor-enhancement. Mmmm-mmmm.

This isn’t Shortey’s first round of irrational legislation.

One bill he filed in the last session of the Legislature would have denied Oklahoma citizenship to children of illegal immigrants born in the state. Exactly what is “Oklahoma citizenship”? Possibly no Oklahoma passports would be issued to them. However, the U.S. Constitution grants U.S. citizenship to anyone born in this country. Can you be a U.S. citizen in only 49 states? Well, maybe. After all, you can be legally married in some and can cross a state line and suddenly not be married.

And here’s a big surprise — Shortey is a “birther.” In another piece of failed legislation, a presidential candidate would have to provide proof of citizenship to be placed on an Oklahoma primary ballot.

He also introduced bills to eliminate the Court of Criminal Appeals, to confiscate the cars and homes of illegal immigrants, and to allow legislators to carry firearms anywhere in the state, including on the floor of the Senate and House.