Jesse Garcia

A while back we briefly mentioned that gaytino extraordinaire Jesse Garcia is leaving Dallas for Washington, D.C. — and a position at the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services’ Administration on Children, Youth and Families. Garcia, former president of Stonewall Democrats of Dallas, current president of LULAC #4871-The Dallas Rainbow Council and host of The Jesse Garcia Show on KNON, has declined our request for an interview about his departure. He says he’s barred from discussing his new position with the media, and he wants to leave town “quietly with no drama.” Which is too bad, because there’s plenty to talk about. But the good news is, if you want to hear from Garcia about his time in Dallas and what lies ahead, you can drop by Sue Ellen’s tonight, where Stonewall Democrats’ Board of Directors is holding a “Thank You for Being a Friend” reception. Just don’t start any drama. From a recent email to Stonewall members:

Jesse Garcia former Stonewall Democrats of Dallas President is hanging up his Texas boots and moving to Washington, D.C. He will leave us on July 15th. The board of directors is having a “Thank You for Being a Friend” reception for him on Tuesday July 12th at Sue Ellen’s from 6:30pm – 8:30pm (UPSTAIRS VIXEN LOUNGE). Please stop by, have a drink and bid him good luck on his next journey! For more information, contact