Today, GLAAD announced the nominees for the 21st Annual Media Awards. The awards highlight the best in film, TV and journalism in both Spanish and English language markets. And one nominee could bring the award to Big D. For Outstanding Daytime Talk Show Episode, SuperLatina received a nomination for “Gay y Latino.” We mentioned the show before as it was about to air on local channel KXTX-TV 39.
I called SuperLatina host Gabriela Natale for her response to the news.
“We are so excited about the nomination. This is something that is very dear to us. We’re all for equality and we being a minority cannot look forward to equality if we turn our backs on other minorities. The response that we got was very positive and it was fulfilling to talk with the kids and the families. Not only did we talk with kids who were not accepted by families but we got to feature a traditional Latino family who was very supportive of their son. Many kids suffer discirmination but there are families that are taking a different attitude.”
To see the episode in four parts, go here.
Natale, pictured, wasn’t sure yet about attending the ceremony. It’s divided into three parts in three different cities on three different dates (really, GLAAD?). But she says she hopes it’s the New York event with Alan Cumming as host. Mostly because she’d like to see the English-speaking nominees for Daytime Talk Show Episode.
“Tyra and Oprah are nominated and I’m a big fan!”
The awards happen in New York on Mar 13; Los Angeles on Apr. 17; and in San Francisco on June 5.поисковое продвижение сайта в интернете