Conover with work at OU Medical Center
Conover with his work at OU Medical Center.

Things are looking good and busy for Robb Conover. He’s doing two shows this month with one starting today. Conover seems on his way to conquering the Oklahoma art scene.
He first shows at the OU Medical Center in Oklahoma City starting today through Mar. 30. The exhibit features a series of his signature abstract work.
The Dennis R. Neill LGBT Center of Tulsa commissioned Conover for two consecutive shows which is a bit of an honor for him.
“I was chosen to do two solo shows. They have never in the history of the center allowed a single artist to show twice and in a consecutive show. The themes and shows had to be dramatically different from each other. My first show started  Feb. 4 and goes through tomorrow and pertained to my abstract art. The second show, Pop Revolution, starts Thursday, Mar. 4 through Mar 30 and will exhibit my pop art.”
His works for this show features the likes of Wonder Woman, Madonna and Cher in comic book/Lichtenstein fashion. But his Batman and Robin is definitely a standout. Check it after the jump.
Conover is a sweet-natured guy and was gracious about the work coming his way.
“My art is kicking off like you wouldn’t believe and I owe a lot to the Voice for this happening,” he wrote.

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