State Rep. Mary Gonzalez

In a video with endorsements from the rest of the El Paso legislative delegation, Rep. Mary Gonzalez announced she will seek re-election.

When she was elected in 2012, Gonzalez became the first LGBT legislator in Texas since Glen Maxey left office in 2003.

This session, with four other LGBT representatives, she formed the state’s first LGBT caucus. In addition to equality issues, Gonzalez champions equitable public education funding, expanding economic opportunities and supporting the needs of farmers and rural communities.

Rep. González serves on the powerful House Appropriations and Public Education Committees, and as Vice Chair of the Local & Consent Calendars Committee. During the 86th Legislative Session, she was appointed to the SB 500 and HB 3 Conference Committees, and was a Joint Sponsor of SB 12, landmark legislation improving the Teacher Retirement System of Texas. Additionally, Rep. González serves as Vice Chair of the Mexican American Legislative Caucus as well as chairing of the House LGBTQ Caucus. 

David Taffet