
Lupe Valdez

At about 8:30 p.m., LGBT candidates appeared to be performing well in today’s primary runoff voting, while many of the far-right candidates in runoffs seem to be coming up short.

In one of the most-watched primary races nationwide, former Dallas County Sheriff Lupe Valdez is leading Andrew White by nearly 4 points — 52.3-47.7 — with 58 percent of the precincts reporting, according to the New York Times election watch website.

If Valdez holds onto her lead, she will face Republican incumbent Gov. Greg Abbott in November. If she were to beat Abbott, Valdez will become the state’s — possibly the nation’s? — first openly lesbian Latina governor.

In the U.S. House District 3 Democratic runoff, lesbian attorney Lorie Burch holds a comfortable lead over Sam Johnson, 74.6 percent to 25.4 percent, with 16 percent of the precincts reporting. If she wins, Burch faces Republican Van Taylor in November.

In the U.S. House District 21 Democratic runoff, lesbian candidate Mary Wilson of Austin trails Joseph Kopser, 58.9-41.1, with 49 percent of the precincts reporting. The New York Times is already calling the U.S. House District 23 Democratic runoff for lesbian candidate Gina Ortiz-Jones, who has a 66.2-33.8 lead over Rick Trevino, with 56 percent of the precincts reporting. She faces Republican incumbent Will Hurd in November.

And in the U.S. House District 27 Democratic runoff, gay candidate Eric Holguin holds a comfortable 57.9-42.1 lead over Roy Barrera, with 48 percent of the precincts reporting.

Lesbian candidate Fran Watson of Houston is trailing Rita Lucido, 42-58, in the race for Democratic nominee for State Senate District 17, with 31 percent of precincts reporting.

In other good news for Texas progressives, The Dallas Morning News’ election watch blog reports that of the six state legislative Republican Primary runoffs with candidates backed heavily by two prominent right-wing groups — Empower Texans and Texas Right to Life only one of those candidates is winning