Republicans not good for business — or gays
Rob Schlein’s premise that Republicans are good for gay business — or business in general — is spurious ("Expand focus of LGBT issues," Letters, Dallas Voice, Aug. 21).

In case any one didn’t notice, the Bush administration inherited a $400 billion surplus, squandered sums in the trillions — not to mention thousands of lives — and gave us the biggest economic disaster and destruction of businesses large and small since the Great Depression of the 1930s.

Incidentally, that Great Depression was, of course, also the work of Republicans.
Our political parties are not new. They have economic track records.  Going back to 1900, we note that economic and stock market performances during Democratic administrations have invariably out-performed Republican administrations, and not by a small margin.

Strong economic performance is probably the most important thing an administration can do for business.

As for Schlein’s comment that Hutchison would have saved Fort Worth jobs by keeping F-22 production, this kind of inconsistency illustrates why Republicans are not successful in governing.

The Pentagon didn’t want the F-22. It is obsolete, a classic example of wasteful spending kept alive by special interests and the political pork barrel.

Ditto Hutchison’s squandering of money on Amtrak.

President Obama’s stimulus efforts and those of other countries have been declared a success internationally. The deficits are due to gross mismanagement of the economy by the previous Republican administration and were unavoidable by the time Obama got there.

One of the best things that could happen to gay business would be freedom from the necessity to offer medical benefits that would be provided by a public option.
Anybody else ever try to buy private health insurance for a "gay" business?  U.S. health care is ranked 37th in the world — right behind Costa Rica. Competing economies, which all have universal coverage and most a public option, spend about half what we do and rank in the top 10.

On other issues, in foreign policy our standing in the world has skyrocketed under Obama after we had become close to an international pariah under Bush.

I’m cynical enough to believe gays ought to have some folks trying to gain influence in the Republican Party. However, it must be admitted that Log Cabin Republicans have failed miserably at achieving any influence at all in the Texas GOP. They can’t even get in the door.

They don’t seem to understand that hatred of gays is a core value of the Texas GOP and there is no probability of Hutchison or Perry "including us in a political discussion." It would be suicidal for a Texas Republican.

Gays who vote Democratic get way more than a "two-fer." They get way better economic and business policy, health care policy and foreign policy, and the Democrats are the only national political party where gay rights make any progress at all.

The Voice’s headline "Lesser evil or 2 equals?" (Dallas Voice, Aug. 14) was an accurate summation of the situation.

Joe Lindsay


Show Log Cabin the door
I am grateful that Rob Schlein, president of the Log Cabin Republicans Dallas, took the time to remind the community that equal rights for LGBT citizens are not a priority for his organization, his party or the candidates Log Cabin supports ("Expand focus on LGBT issues," Letters, Dallas Voice, Aug. 21).

Since such LGBT concerns as equal access to marriage, repeal of "don’t ask, don’t tell" and passage of hate crimes legislation are too narrow for Log Cabin, it begs the question of why Log Cabin should even be considered an LGBT organization and given a platform in our community.

By Schlein’s own explanation, Log Cabin’s interest lies in electing "good Republicans," not furthering LGBT equality. In reality, Rob Schlein and the Log Cabin Republicans have no more relevance to a meaningful discussion of LGBT interests than any other GOP booster club. It’s time to show them the door.

Paul von Wupperfeld

Proud of the past, excited for the future
I read Sharon Brimm’s letter, ("The Oak Lawn I remember," Letters, Dallas Voice, Aug. 21), and it brought back many fond memories of the old "gayborhood," as Ms. Brimm described it.

But as much as I sometimes hate change and have to be dragged kicking and screaming in to a new decade, I see our GLBT community progressive and dynamic. We are moving forward, even through the physical changes of our landscape, for it is our spirit that drives us forward and not mere buildings, however much we may miss the look and feel of the old neighborhood.

A recent drive down the Cedar Springs strip showed me a thriving area full of hope, promise and activity. Thanks largely to Scott Whittall and the Cedar Springs Merchant Association, a great deal of progress on beautification projects is being made and exciting things are happening in this unique area of Dallas.

And in many other ways, the local GLBT community is thriving and blossoming. Resource Center Dallas is one of the largest AIDS service providers and GLBT community centers in the country. The Cathedral of Hope is the largest GLBT church in the world and is spreading across the airwaves, the Internet and Texas.

The future GLBT pioneers are keeping activism alive and well with groups like DGLA, GLSN, Queer LiberAction, Equality March Texas and the GLBT Unity Coalition. There are many other religious, social and political organizations that our community has to offer — too many to mention them all.

I see young, energetic and thoughtful people excited to further the causes of our GLBT community and help lead us toward full acceptance and equality.

I, for one, am excited to sit on a new Hunky’s patio and reflect on our glorious past, but look wide-eyed and excited at the present and to a thrilling future for the community and neighborhood that is still uniquely ours.

The names are still here: Nelson, Tebedo, Thomas, just to name a few. Some of their names may be on buildings and beautiful bell towers now, but they are also in our hearts and our memories forever and for future generations to come.
It is our duty to learn from these people, the original pioneers, and keep moving forward.

Gregg S. Gunter

This article appeared in the Dallas Voice print edition August 28, 2009.
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