(via RWW)


*Other SPLC list responses:

Matt Barber: Matt Barber called equality activists ‘purveyors of evil’. But yea, it probably is the SPLC that deserves scorn. Uh huh. Sure.

Gary Cass: Apoplectic rather than apologetic: Another family ‘defender’ knocks SPLC

Tony Perkins: Dish it, can’t take it: FRC pissed that people are calling them on their crap

Maggie Gallagher: No, no — Maggie’s not battling gay orientations. She just calls homosexuality ‘unfortunate’, ‘controllable’, and ‘sinful’ because she’s bored.

Bryan Fischer: In fact we’re so into stifling Bryan’s speech that we’ll now write our 47th post about him


*A reminder of what Steven Anderson is all about:

Good As You