Arianna 5
Knife chef John Tesar is a big movie buff, and when he opened Knife in The Highland, one of the programs he started was a monthly outdoor movie screening. (Appropriate, since the film Chef somewhat mirrored his own experience with a local critic.) The 2016 features the films of Dallas-bred director Wes Anderson — it started last month with Bottle Rocket, and will pick up on May 15 with Rushmore, then continuing with The Royal Tenenbaums (June 26), The Life Aquatic with Steve Zissou (Sept. 18), Moonrise Kingdom (Oct. 23) and The Grand Budapest Hotel (Nov. 13). But interrupting that series this weekend will be his tribute to the Dallas International Film Festival, which gets underway today (and it the cover story in Dallas Voice tomorrow).
The series of dinners starts tomorrow at 7 p.m. with a tribute to Arianna (pictured) — a gay-themed movie at the festival set in Italy, with the cuisine of the country featured. Next is Saturday’s Halfway with a 7:30 p.m. dinner featuring lamb and veal, and concluding Sunday at 7 p.m. with the film Mr. Pig, which features — of course — pork. If you can’t make any of these special dinners ($125/person), there will be special three-course dinners throughout the festival (until April 24), which takes place just across the street at the Angelika.
And pick up Dallas Voice tomorrow to read all about DIFF and the USA Film Festival. Cheers!