Our good friend, Oklahoma State Rep. Sally Kern, has a new book coming out called The Stoning of Sally Kern: The liberal attack on Christian conservatism-and why we must take a stand.

Poor Sally. The liberal media is attacking her. And just who is this liberal media? Well, she clearly identifies it as us. Here’s a quote from her book:

“Publications such as Dallas Voice and The Advocate ran on line articles commending my opponent and bashing me.”

Well, if quoting her in context is bashing, we’ll take full credit.

Here’s what she said:

“I honestly think it’s the biggest threat our nation has, even more so than terrorism or Islam, which I think is a big threat.”

The “it” she was talking about is homosexuality. And that wasn’t some off-handed comment. It was part of a state proclamation that other state elected officials condemned.

And just to make sure she wasn’t misunderstood, she also said:

“Here in America we’ve had what maybe three known real big terrorist attacks on our nation. But every day our young people especially, all of us, but our young people especially are in a sense bombarded with the message that homosexuality is normal and natural.”

We also pointed out that Kern’s district is adjacent to the one where the Oklahoma City bombing took place. People from her district were killed. But gays are a bigger threat.

Here’s my interview with her opponent, Brittany Novotny. I’m not sure that I “commended” Novotny. I merely reported that the New York Times said she had a chance to win. I quoted the candidate calling her opponent an extremist. And Kern would have had the same opportunity if she returned a phone call.

I can’t wait to read the entire book so we can do some more Kern-bashing.