Matt “Mattilda” Bernstein Sycamore

If you happened to be listening to  KERA in the last hour, you may have caught the piece on radio show “Tell Me More” about the “queer argument against marriage.” Host Michael Martin spoke with activist Matt “Mattilda” Bernstein Sycamore about his thoughts on why LGBT people shouldn’t be so on board with marriage equality:

Marriage equality has become a central pillar of the modern gay rights movement. Five states and the District of Columbia offer same sex marriages and a case involving California’s ban on gay marriage is expected to end up in the Supreme Court. But despite recent advances, not all gay people are so eager to ring the wedding bells. Mattilda Bernstein Sycamore, self-described queer activist and author of “That’s Revolting: Queer Strategies for Resisting Assimilation,” says gay people should stop fighting to uphold what she considers to be the failed institution of marriage.

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