Fred Karger

Openly gay Republican candidate Fred Karger, profiled in last week’s Dallas Voice, began campaigning in New Hampshire this week. His TV ads began running in Manchester on broadcast TV and on cable throughout the state.

The ad, dubbed “Demon Frisbee,” will run in 30-second and one-minute versions. A longer Internet version is below. They highlight the campaign theme “Bringing Back the American Spirit – Optimism and Getting Along,” but also incorporate the campaign’s self-deprecating slogan “Fred Who?”

The spot by filmmaker John Keitel is designed to let New Hampshire voters know that Karger and his volunteers will walk door-to-door all over New Hampshire and give away Fred Frisbees to voters, Karger wrote in an email to Dallas Voice.

New Hampshire holds the first presidential primary. Although officially scheduled for the second Tuesday in March, it could be moved up if another state decides to hold a primary before then. The state’s laws require that the primary be held seven days before any other state.