Joseph Nicolosi

Joseph Nicolosi, the “father” of so-called “conversion therapy,” has died of complications from the flu, according to a statement posted on Facebook Thursday by officials at St. Thomas Aquinas Psychological Clinic, where he worked as clinical director. He was 70 years.
Clinic officials posted the statement on their Facebook page on Thursday, March 9, confirming that Nicolosi had died the previous day, Wednesday, March 8.
Nicolosi was co-founder of the National Association of Research and Therapy of Homosexuality (NARTH) and one of the most prominent names of the so-called “ex-gay movement.” His “conversion” or “reparative therapy” has been shown not only to be useless in actually changing a person’s sexual orientation, but in fact, dangerous to those subjected to it.
In fact, six states —New Jersey, California, Oregon, Illinois, New York and Vermont — have already passed legislation banning the practice of such “therapy” on minors, and New Mexico is moving to become the seventh. “Conversion therapy” has been denounced by all major medical associations, including the American Medical Association, the American Psychiatric Association and the American Psychological Association.