Is he trying for an insanity defense with this mug shot? Judy Clarke has been appointed Jared Lee Loughner’s federal public defender. She previously defended the Unabomber, Ted Kaczynski. (CNN):

Jared Lee Loughner, the suspect accused of opening fire outside an Arizona supermarket over the weekend, appeared calm and in control during his first court appearance Monday, but gave no indication as to how he would plead to the charges.

The 22-year-old faces five federal counts connected to the Saturday rampage outside a Tucson grocery store, including murder and attempted murder. Six people were killed in the attack and 14 others wounded, including U.S. Rep. Gabrielle Giffords, who remains in critical condition.

Loughner wore a tan-colored prison outfit, and his head was shaved. He appeared nervous at first, according to Rowlands. Loughner looked at the ceiling and his eyes darted back and forth. His hands and feet were shackled.

Authorities have said the federal charges against Loughner include two counts of murder, two counts of attempted murder and one count of attempting to kill a member of Congress — all stemming from the shootings of federal employees at the scene. One member of Giffords’ staff was killed and two more were wounded. The gunfire also claimed the life of a federal district judge, John Roll.

CNN’s report:

H/t Rod 2.0 .
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