Kentucky Senate candidate Rand Paul has Tea Party support

The Tea Party candidate for Texas governor, Debra Medina, peaked several weeks before the primary and  came in third. But in other places, candidates supported by the Tea Party are doing well, and many of them hold anti-gay views.
This weekend at the Utah Republican convention, three-term incumbent Sen. Bob Bennett polled third and will not appear on the state’s primary ballot.
One of the reasons cited was Bennett’s 1993 vote for Roberta Achtenberg, a lesbian, to be an undersecretary at HUD under Bill Clinton.
In Florida, a candidate supported by the Tea Party, Marco Rubio, was polling ahead of Gov. Charlie Crist in a U.S. Senate race. So Crist left the Republican Party and is running as an independent. Now, donors are asking Crist for their money back.

Rubio will headline an anti-gay dinner next week for a group associated with Focus on the Family, according to the Huffington Post.
As an independent, Crist now holds a 5-point lead, according to Fox News.
Tea Party activists are also setting their sites on Kentucky. Rand Paul, son of Texas Congressman Ron Paul, is running against the secretary of state. Paul now has the backing of Sarah Palin and Focus on the Family founder James Dobson as well as Tea Party activists. The primary is May 18.
Rand Paul has taken a staunch stand against same-sex marriage.продвижениегазета метро реклама