No one has been able to tell us why it would be “bad” for the Senate to stay in a little longer in order to get DADT done. From Sam Stein at Huff Post:

Top Senate Democrats are willing to keep the chamber in session longer than expected in order to overturn the military’s “Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell” policy. But leadership is not yet ready to commit to working up to — or even through — the Christmas break.

A Senate aide told The Huffington Post on Monday morning that Majority Leader Harry Reid has been “supportive” of the idea that lawmakers be kept in D.C. to pass a defense authorization bill that has, attached to it, language that would allow gays to serve openly in the armed services. That same procedural strategy is being pushed by Sen. Joseph Lieberman (I-Conn.), one of the chief advocates for overturning DADT.

Just heard that Senator Udall (D-CO) agrees about staying in session until we finish the people’s work, including DADT.