It’s cute the way the professional anti-gays think they are the ones who get to determine whether or not their homo-hostile work has met a certain threshold. Especially when they further castigate millions while doing so:

( click to play audio clip)

*AUDIO SOURCE: Family Research Council Responds to Being Called “Hate Group” [FoTF’s CitizenLink]

Right, Tony. The facts and the science are on your side. That’s why you guys need to keep creating your own splinter groups in order to counter what credible science is actually saying, or hang on to ancient, skewed studies in order to do your daily work.

The truth: FRC is crapping a brick right now, which is why they keep talking about this SPLC label. And frankly, we say “bring it.” Because all they are doing is shedding more light on the documented facts that led them to the list. The documented facts that they can ignore all they want, but that the unforgiving annals of recorded history have meticulously noted.


*MORE: Christian conservative Warren Throckmorton calls on FRC and the others to take responsibility for their misrepresentations: SPLC myth #4: Homosexuals don’t live nearly as long as heterosexuals [Throckmorton]

*MORE: Reminder of the kind of thing that got FRC on the list:

*SOURCE: Gays seek immigration reform [Medill Reports]




*SOURCE: The Quest For Change — Tony Perkins [Grace Chapel]


Page 1 of the Family Research Council’s “Slippery Slope To Same-Sex Marriage” document,

which compares same-sex marriage to bestiality in both graphic and text:

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Good As You