This week, news of gay men in Chechnya being arrested, taken to concentration camps, tortured and even killed has been making headlines around the world. We posted this story by Michael K. Lavers for Washington Blade about the situation on Thursday.
And today, on this week’s episode of DVtv in Spayse, as we talked about the situation, Israel Luna asked the question I think is on many people’s minds: What can I do to help?
Well, has a few suggestions here. I say look for the organizations that are already in place that might be able to help, and then support those organizations. A good place to start would be with ILGA, “a worldwide federation of 1,200 member organisations from 125 countries campaigning for lesbian, gay, bisexual, trans and intersex rights since 1978.”
And, something every one of us can do, stay informed, stay educated and don’t let yourself become complacent. Don’t let your friends become complacent either; inform yourself and inform your friends.