I got back a short while ago from an interview with the victims of this weekend’s anti-gay hate crime in Oak Lawn, Kyle Wear and Alex Bowers, both 28.
I’ll have a full story in Friday’s Voice, but for now here’s a closer look at some of the injuries sustained by Wear, who was hospitalized following the attack. Wear said his jaw is broken in two places, on either side of his face. He’ll have surgery Wednesday to insert plates in his jaw that will be permanent. He’ll also be seeing a dentist to repair the incisor tooth that was broken off but remains attached to his gums.
Wear, Bowers and I walked from the Cedar Springs strip down to the site of the attack, which is actually less than two blocks away, on the near side of Throckmorton and Congress. We found a trail of blood on the sidewalk from where the attack occurred to the nearby condo where the pair walked immediately after the attack.
Remarkably, Bowers was unharmed.стоимость интернет рекламыпроверить домен сайта