Caroline Leto, right and Venera Magazzu celebrate their 70th anniversary this year. (Photo by Josh Ritchie, South Florida Sun Sentinal)
Caroline Leto, right and Venera Magazzu celebrate their 70th anniversary this year. (Photo by Josh Ritchie, South Florida Sun Sentinal)

Sometimes I get a little discouraged as I read about/hear about the setbacks our community faces and, worse yet, the many squabbles within our community about who is doing what and why and who should get credit for what.
Then I read a story like this one in the South Florida Sun Sentinal about a couple like Caroline Leto, 96, and Venera Magazzu, 97, who are celebrating their 70th anniversary this year. 70 years together! That is amazing for any couple, but especially so for a lesbian couple who have had to spend the vast majority of their life together hiding the true nature of their relationship from everyone except the closest of friends and relatives.
It gives me hope, and it definitely puts things in perspective!
So happy anniversary to Caroline and Venera, and I hope we can all learn a lesson from them.контент этосколько стоит написание статьи